Sixmilebridge Winery News and Updates

Welcome to the Sixmilebridge Winery News section. Here, we share the latest happenings from our vineyards in Paso Robles, insights into our winemaking process, and expert articles on wine appreciation. Whether you're a seasoned oenophile or new to the world of wine, our blog offers valuable information to enhance your wine journey.

Chilling Your Wine

Summer is nearly upon us and that means warmer temperatures are on the horizon. To combat the heat it’s hard to improve upon a chilled-to-perfection glass of Sixmilebridge Sauvignon Blanc or Rosé.

Of course, that begs the question:

What is the perfect temperature and how do I reach it?

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Cork Taint

If you have enjoyed drinking wine for a long time, it’s almost a certainty that you have encountered a “corked” wine. Btw, a corked wine is not a wine with bits of cork floating around in it.

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